1.BeBajrang is SSL certified: The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate’s job is to initiate secure connection with the customer’s web browser and the company’s server they interacting with via the secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol. SSL helps protect sensitive information like customer name, address, phone number and most importantly debit or credit card information.

2.CC Avenue Payment Gateway: has integrated CC Avenue as the payment gateway. CC Avenue handles the online transaction business for merchants like GoDaddy, Air Asia, TAJ Group of Hotels & more. To ensure security they have implemented industry standard SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and their servers are protected by security firewalls to protect customer information.

Credit Card details and personal information are entered on CC Avenue secure server and the same data is encrypted over the internet before being sent over to CC avenue server. This process helps protect customer information.
CC Avenue is PCI complaint. PCI is the most prominent Data Security Standard (DSS) and its primary purpose is to mitigate the risk of paying by debit or credit card.

3.Payment Options:
■ Debit Card: We accept Visa & MasterCard issued only in India
■ Credit Card: We accept Visa, MaterCard & American Express cards issued in any country
■ Cash on Delivery: Service available only in India

*Please note with technological advances and upgrades some information will be up to date at the service provider’s end, and request you to check with us at so we can answer any of your questions or concerns regarding secure payment and new updates.